The International Military Tribunal at Nuremburg described aggressive wars as a "supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." The Nuremburg tribunal, and others since, have prosecuted those "other war crimes" but not the crime of aggressive war itself. It may have been a crime, but it was a crime above the law.
The resolution also establishes the conditions under which the Court can exercise jurisdiction. Although the UN Security Council is the principal body that can classify an action as a crime of aggression, thus initiating judicial proceedings, if the Council doesn't act within six months, the Court can proceed on its own. This ensures that if the Security Council -- a political organ -- doesn't act, the Court is not hindered in its duty.
There are various restrictions. For example, the crime won't apply directly to non-member states (111 countries are members) and unfortunately this includes major powers such as China and the U.S. Nonetheless, including the crime of aggression as a prosecutable offence under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court fundamentally changes the ancient macho practice of warfare as "politics by other means."
History has been made. As Vice-president Joe Biden of the United States might say, "This is a big fucking deal."
Britain IS a member and that leaves the way open for Blair and Straw to be tossed in the dock. The case against them is made more powerful because they knew resolution 1441 didn't authorize war. That led them to table a resolution seeking that specific authority. Having acknowledged the need for a direct authorization for war of aggression, they withdrew the motion when it became obvious it would fail on a vote. Game, set and match.