And they are making moves in the right direction. For example, Ms. Notley has stated they will not support the Northern Gateway pipeline and will leave the decision on the Keystone pipeline to the Americans. This in itself is a big improvement over the previous government's support for any pipeline in any direction carrying anything. The NDP has also increased the emissions charge on large industrial polluters. Furthermore, some oil company CEOs, including the head of Suncor, Canada's biggest producer and a major tar sands operator, have called for a carbon tax. If the corporations back it, that makes it eminently doable and the government should do it.
But more, much more, needs to be done. Alberta has only 11 per cent of the country's people but produces more than a third of the greenhouse gas emissions, 50 per cent more than Ontario, and the tar sands are the fastest growing source of emissions in the country.
Unfortunately, what needs to be done is nowhere near politically feasible yet. The government will have to continue to kiss up to oil investors and wait for reality to settle in to the hearts and minds of Albertans.
It's worse than you imagine, Bill.
This is the year when the leaders of the world will gather in Paris for what is said to be our last chance to reach an effective agreement to curb climate change and yet our provincial governments are colluding with Harper to get our bitumen extractive industries going as never before.
Forget about waiting for the public to come around, Bill. By the time that happens, it will be too late, if our leaders have their way.
I just read the article, Mound, and you're right; it is worse than I thought. These fools are insane.